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Google Launched AI Generative Search (SGE)

Google Finally Launched AI Powered Search Result — Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Guess what? Yes, Google finally declared that they are supercharging the search with AI! After launch of ChatGPT, while tech enthusiasts thought Google remained a step back, it was much expected eventually Google also will come up with something new, something big, something more reliable.

If we dig deeper into the past years, we’ll find that Google had created their AI tool several years ago. But, being a responsible brand, they were waiting to make it even more mature so that people can rely upon it.

So, isn’t SGE reliable?

Well, as per Elizabeth Reid, the Vice President and GM of Google Search, right now this AI feature will work only on some selective topics and not the sensitive topics like medication, security and so on. Also, she confirmed that the old and familiar SERP will not become obsolete; rather a new AI Powered section will be added in between the Ads and organic results.

Will SGE impact SEO? Will SEO lose its relevance?

Of course, this new method redefines the ranks of websites and in the coming days several revolutionary changes will be noticed. But mostly those changes will be positive for those who are serious about following Google policies. So, if you are a digital marketing services in USA, or India, it’s time to upgrade your knowledge and forget about those spammy techniques.

As described by the VP, Search, there will be a section highlighting the top relevant websites along with the AI result and only the top trusted websites will be able to reach that section. Rest websites with generic or spammy will appear in the organic result page below the AI result.

I already use ChatGPT. How will it be better?

No doubt, it’ll badly impact the craze of ChatGPT as it has lots of added features that includes but not limited to shopping with Generative AI, asking any question and doing follow up questions to refine, comparing products, finding list of destinations, hotels, price list and many more. In simple it is going to be a new world for every person under the Sun.

So, how can I access Google AI Generative Search?

Mmmm, at this moment, Google AI Generative Search has been launched in USA only on experimental basis and if you are from any other country like India, you may need to wait a few weeks or months may be. Google hasn’t yet announced any date for launching it on other countries. But, for sure, when it will be launched, it will be something worthy.

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