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# Get Potential Leads with
Google AdWords Campaign
Reach your business to the "Exact" group of users and increase your your sales or traffic. With our professionally setup campaign enjoy low CPC & high CTR.

Low Cost Google Ad Agency in USA & India
Set and run goal based Google Ad Campaign with Certified Ad Agency and get higher return at less cost.
How to Set AdWords Campaign?
Starting an AdWord campaign can be challenging if you don't understand how it works and how to get most out of your campaign.

Info9 Technologies has created simple steps to start any AdWord campaign without any previous knowledge and still you’ll get best ROI.
Why Plan for Google AdWords?
Google AdWords is one of the best platforms to run ads for your website, YouTube channel or for your mobile app. Why? Here's the reasons!
Know Before You Start!
Whether you are new to Google AdWords or already have used, having queries in mind is natural. So, know answer to most commonly asked questions or get in touch with us at any point of time.
Both AdWords and SEO Services are profitable based on different situation, goal, budget, time, competitors etc. But, if you want faster result, AdWords should be your first choice.
Google Search Ad provides intent based results and thus you get more potential leads compared to Social Media Ads. Though, social media marketing can be cheaper compared to Google Ads at some cases.
There’s no fixed price here! Google charges you based on your selected keywords, target area, competition and several other metrics and it may vary from one campaign to another with similar specifications. But, the cost highly depends upon the expertise and experience of your Google Ad Agency in USA.
There’s no fixed formula to calculate it. It depends upon your product quality, price, features, trustworthiness and other factors. By setting up an AdWords campaign you create a channel to drive potential buyers to your website and then it’s up to the strength of your portal to convert them. However, based on the historical conversion report Google will show your ad to most potential buyers on its browser and search network.
Google shows ads to most potential buyers. But, still some cases it may reach to some unwanted users and you may get wrong leads. Your Ad Agency will track those and will optimize your ad campaign time to time to reduce these unwanted clicks/leads.
Any ad campaign needs regular monitoring and optimization to increase it’s performance and reduce wastage of valuable ad budget. It requires a lot of time and expertise and thus we charge Ad Maintenance Charge to our customers.
AdWords is a huge platform with vast number of parameters to check and match. So, it takes 4 to 5 days on an average to ‘learn’ who ‘potential users’ for your business. So, during this time you will get less or even wrong result. Nothing to worry! It’ll be on track within few days.
Yes, of course! You deserve the right to check it! So, we give View access to your campaign in your email id so that you can check everything from your end at any point of time and still you don’t need to worry about getting things messed.

Need more information before taking decision?
Fill in the form and one of our executives will get back to you with all details. Till then check the packages to decide which one could fit your budget and requirement.